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  A second foreign language you would like to learn


  Describe a language you want to learn (not English)

  You should say:

  What it is

  How you would learn it

  Where you would learn it

  And why you want to learn the language


  What can people do to learn a second language?

  IS it popular to learn English in your country?

  What are the difficulties of learning a new language?

  What is the best way to learn a new language?


  The language I want to learn is Cantonese. It is mainly used in Guangdong Province and Hongkong. Though it shares some vocabulary with Mandarin, the two varieties have huge differences in pronunciation, grammar, and lexicon. Many Chinese in the north including me cannot understand it at all.

  One of my roommates is from Guangdong. Every evening, he calls his mother and talks about what happens in the school in Cantonese. After two years, I unconsciously learned two or three words, but that is all. I still do not know what he says. There are many books and videos that teach people how to speak Cantonese. I may buy some in the future.

  The best place to learn Cantonese is definitely Guangdong or Hongkong. Most people, especially the elders there, still speak this native language. In fact, I believe to truly master a language, you have to go to its origin and immerse into the local culture.

  I want to learn this language because I am quite into Hongkong films. They used to be very popular in the 1990s and leave a deep impression on a generation. But so far, all the Hongkong films I have watched are dubbed with mandarin. They are not bad, but I believe something must have missed during the process. So I want to learn this language so that I can experience the original films.



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