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  A gift to someone that you made by yourself


  Describe something you made that you gave to other people

  You should say:

  What it was

  What it was like

  Who you gave it to

  And how you felt about it


  Have you received anything that was made by the giver?

  When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something bought in stores?

  Which is better, self-made food or food that you buy?

  Are art classes important in schools?


  Last time that I made something and gave it to another individual as a present can be traced back to primary school. At that time, the self-made birthday card was quite popular among my friends. This was probably because we did not have much money and happened to have learned how to make one in the manual class.

  There was a time that I made a card for my best friend's birthday. He was also my classmate and we shared the same desk. Under the influence of a Japanese cartoon, we both loved football and always played it after school. In general, we spent most of the day together.

  From an adult's perspective, the card must be crude. But I had tried my best. On the cover, I wrote down Happy birthday with a red pencil and draw two children playing football. Inside, I wrote Best Friends for Ever in English. I knew very little English then. So I use the dictionary and copy every character.

  I was and still am proud of the gift. Though it was not that fabulous compared to other gifts he received. It conveyed my emotion and was a sign of our friendship.



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