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  An experience that you were scared


  Describe an occasion when you were scared

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Where you were

  Who you were with

  Why you were scared

  How you felt about it


  Is it OK to frighten others?

  How do people usually get frightened?

  Do children like to scare others?

  Why is it easy for some people to be scared?

  What should people do when they feel scared?


  The thing I am going to tell you is that I was scared by a video. It happened a couple of nights before. It was already 11 p.m. I had brushed my teeth, taken the shower, changed into my pajamas and laying the bed. The light had been turned off and the darkness was full of the room. Everything was perfect for a sound sleep.

  But somehow, I could not fall into it. I tossed and turned on the bed, but every posture seemed uncomfortable. Since I was living alone in a flat out of the university, there was no one to talk to. I decided to sit up and play with my cellphone and I noticed a friend of mine sent me a video several minutes ago. He also said it was fascinating.

  I played it without a second thought. There were just two static pictures on the screen and a line saying "can you find the 8 differences between the two pictures". So I tried. The first six was quite easy, but I could not find the last two. I was so concentrated that I did not notice the video had almost come to the end. Suddenly the picture changed. A pale, distorted woman with blood on her face appeared on the screen and started screaming. It was exactly the one you would see in a horror movie. I was shocked and scared and threw away my cellphone. I felt like my heart was at my throat, and it took me several minutes to calm down.

  I think it was a cheap joke and might cause a heart attack. I do not understand why would somebody did that.



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