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  A time when you had medicine


  Describe a time when you had some medicine

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Who gave it to you

  Why you had it

  And how you felt about it


  What do you think of buying medicine online?

  In your opinion, why do some people dislike taking medicine?

  Some people say medicine is harmful. Do you think so?

  What do you think of fake medicine?


  Hospital is that one place where no one would like to visit. I personally hate going to the doctor's. But I had to visit one recently. Due to frequent travelling to varied altitudes and atmosphere, I got home having terrible cold and viral infection. It was accompanied by heavy head, continuous sneezing and a runny nose which left me in moderate discomfort.

  I felt too sick and in pain. Due to the ever-growing headache I couldn't concentrate on anything and found it impossible to do even the smallest everyday task. My head felt like it weighed a ton and I could barely keep my eyes open due to the developing stress. After no more resistance, I decided that I need to visit the doctor's.

  The doctor checked me and asked me how I was feeling. He checked my pulse and my body temperature. He asked me to open my mouth, take my tongue out and checked it subsequently for any possible infections and if there are any possible symptoms of typhoid. He further checked my blood pressure and concluded that I have developed intense allergy infections probably due to the temperature changes and dust inhaled during the travels. He prescribed me some medicines and a cough syrup to be taken at regular interval for 3 days. He advised me to avoid any cold food items and beverages. He also suggested that I drink turmeric milk and ginger lemon honey tea for instant healing. He asked me to take plenty of rest and avoid going out in the dirt. The suggestions were useful and my health improved significantly in a couple of days.



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