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  1.A party that you enjoyed


  Describe a party you enjoyed.

  You should say:

  when and where it took place;

  who held the party;

  and what people did at the party;

  and explain why you enjoyed it.


  What do children often do in a birthday party?

  What do adults do at parties?

  Do Chinese people like to hold parties?

  Should parents spend a lot of money on their children's birthday parties?

  Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?


  During my freshman year in college, I had a great time at party that was held to celebrate the start of the summer. We dressed formally and partied until the bread of down. The party kicked off in our school gymnasium with some thumping tunes and great disco lights. The music was pumping, and the drinks were flowing, it felt so good to be young and free!

  All the freshman students got together to decorate the gymnasium and to set up the sound and lights. We got started around 2 in the afternoon and we were still hanging lights when then first partiers arrived at 8 PM, We paid for a professional DJ to play the tunes and he delivered an extremely impressive musical set.

  Students were drinking and dancing and having an absolute blast. Not a single person was sitting down, everyone was on their feet enjoying the music. Some of the real party animals even got up on the stage and showed their moves.

  After the party was over the lights came on and we could see the carnage left behind. The place was an absolute disaster zone afterwards and it took a lot of work to clean up the mess. There was fruit punch spilled everywhere and some of the decorations were piled up on the floor. It took us absolutely ages to get the gymnasium ship-shape again!



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