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  Discussion topics:

  Local business

  Example questions:

  What types of local business are there in your neighbourhood? Are there any restaurants, shops or dentists for example?

  Do you think local businesses are important for a neighbourhood? In what way?

  How do large shopping malls and commercial centres affect small local businesses? Why do you think that is?

  People and business

  Example questions:

  Why do some people want to start their own business?

  Are there any disadvantages to running a business? Which is the most serious?

  What are the most important qualities that a good business person needs? Why is that?

  题目一:What types of local business are there in your neighbourhood? Are there any restaurants, shops or dentists for example?

  1. 结构提示:

  The local businesses in my neighbourhood are diverse and prosperous, apart from the that I have mentioned, there are also numerous

  2. 要点提示:

  restaurants, shops/small markets

  题目二:Do you think local businesses are important for a neighbourhood? In what way?

  1. 结构提示:

  It depends on the type of local business actually. For those they are really significant for people living in the neighbourhood.

  2. 要点提示:


  题目三:How do large shopping malls and commercial centres affect small local businesses? Why do you think that is?

  1. 结构提示:

  Small local business would receive both positive and negative influences from large shopping malls and commercial centres. On the one hand,

  On the other hand, it is also obvious that

  2. 要点提示:

  lack of marketability or economic capabilities

  stimulation of those plazas and centres

  题目四:Why do some people want to start their own business?

  1.结构提示:To begin with, for example, Besides that

  2.要点提示:sense of achievement/the willingness to earn more money/ don’t want to be bossed by others

  题目五:Are there any disadvantages to running a business? Which is the most serious?

  1.结构提示:There certainly are disadvantages to running a business people all knows, as a boss,in addition,

  2.要点提示:high funds risk/can’t pay salaries to the staff/mismanagement

  题目六:What are the most important qualities that a good business person needs? Why is that?

  1.结构提示: and are the most important qualities that a good business person, or an entrepreneur need. For, take an example,

  2.要点提示:honesty/integrity/smartness/be responsible for any decision he/she made



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