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  Discussion topics:

  Owning things

  Example questions:

  What types of things do young people in your country most want to own today?

  Why is this?

  Why do some people feel they need to own things?

  Do you think that owning lots of things makes people happy? Why?

  Salaries for skilled people

  Example questions:

  Do you think television and films can make people want to get new possessions? Why do they have this effect?

  Are there any benefits to society of people wanting to get new possessions?

  Why do you think this is?

  Do you think people will consider that having lots of possessions is a sign of success in the future? Why?

  题目一:What types of things do young people in your country most want to own today? Why is this?

  1. 结构提示:

  For example, young adults, usually at the age between 18 to 30 years old, would like to desire for owning

  It is really hard to give an absolute answer to the reason why people are motivated to own something.

  2. 要点提示:

  money/status/fame/big house

  题目二:Why do some people feel they need to own things?

  1. 结构提示:

  May be there are different reasons for different people. But in my opinion, most people want to own things because

  What's more,

  2. 要点提示:

  For their own use/to show off

  题目三:Do you think that owning lots of things makes people happy? Why?

  1. 结构提示:

  Yes, because these things can satisfy

  No, although they're still unhappy because

  Sometimes owning too much will also exert stress on people's shoulders

  2. 要点提示:

  Under great pressure/no real friends to share happiness/ not enough to enjoy the happiness

  题目四:Do you think television and films can make people want to get new possessions? Why do they have this effect?

  1.结构提示:Sometimes./ It's hard to say./ Certainly. You know, normally, television and films tell stories that.

  2.要点提示:happy ending/exaggerated illustration for something that ordinary people don't have / intrigue people to explore something they never experienced

  题目五:Are there any benefits to society of people wanting to get new possessions?

  Why do you think this is?

  1.结构提示:Yes./ Possibly. Once people realize that they want to get new possessions, they will what's more,

  2.要点提示:strive hardly for/ set personal goals/challenge

  题目六:Do you think people will consider that having lots of possessions is a sign of success in the future? Why?

  1.结构提示:It is true for most people, however, it is not the real definition of success, I think./ Yes. What really drives us to struggle is due to the fact that

  2.要点提示:the urge to get more/ wealth and social status/ self-realization/ do everything you would like to do.



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