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  PART 1

  The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.


  Food and cooking

  What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]

  Who normally does the cooking in your home? [Why/Why not?]

  Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]

  In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]

  Food and cooking

  What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]

  Who normally does the cooking in your home? [Why/Why not?]

  Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]

  In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?]

  1. 要点提示

  1)Choose a type of food you like best and explain why,such as tastes, nutrition etc.

  2)Your parents/grandparents who do cooking your home and tell reasons such as he/she did well in cooking/enjoy cooking

  3)Yes/No and explain reasons, such as they offer good guide/ they are practical

  4)Eating out/ eating at home explain reasons: convenient/healthy/delicious

  2. 结构提示

  1)Speaking of the sorts of food I like most, I'd like to say that fruits are my favorite. They are delicious, nutritious and healthy. Different kinds of fruits offers different kinds of nutritions as long as you enjoy them at appropriate time.

  2)My father takes the responsibility of home cooking because he used to be a cook when he was young. He is good at Sichuan Cuisine and know very well about our tastes. He enjoys cooking and we enjoy his cooking style as well.

  3)Certainly./ I'm afraid that I don't like that. They offer useful guides about how to make amazing dishes with mundane ingredients./ Cooking is a handy process while many of this kind of programmes talks nonsense. Their ways of cooking are not practical at all.

  4)I prefer eating home not only because we can control the food oil and calories we take in from food but also on the account that we can control the sanitary conditions of making dishes. They both are of importance to me.



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