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  ...for a number of reasons...

  ...for a great variety of reasons...

  Several factors contribute to... There's acombination of factors...

  I guess that=I reckon that=I assume that=Ithink that...

  The main reason is that....

  The most significant reason might be


  That's due to the fact that...

  The main contributing factor is that...

  1.Why do you want to take the IELTS test?(=one reason only)

  Well, I am taking the IELTS test today becauseI intend to study overseas next year. I

  have applied to 3 different universities inAustralia, and they all required me to take this testin order to prove myability to use English in different situations.

  2. Why do the people in cities want greenspaces?

  Well, I think the answer is veryobvious:it's due to the fact that parks and green

  areas are pleasant places for people torelax, and people in urban areas don't have so many opportunities to get awayfrom the city with its noise and traffic(=hustle and bustle).If there is a parknot far from their house, families can go for a walk and children can playthere safely. In a word, everyone can enjoy a better lifestyle.

  3. Why are writing skills so important ineducation and learning?

  Well, it's due to the fact that writing isthe basis of all knowledge. Writing is always associated with reading. Oursociety's education system depends on books and reading. I mean, we teachknowledge through books, and teachers test their students' ability to thinkthrough writing. Because our educational institutions are based on those twoskills, a young student who cannot write well won't be able to receive a propereducation in my country.

  I guess our tradition of education is verydifferent from that of people like the Australian Aborigines, for example, whoused to educate their children through oral stories only.

  For most "Why...?"questions, you shouldhave more than one reason to give.

  It is a good opportunity for you to use"First...In addition...On top of this..." Be precise!Give details!

  4. Why do you want to study abroad?

  I chose to study in Australia for amultitude of reasons:I plan to get a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering,and after doing some research, I know that Sydney University offers a greatprogram in this field. In addition, Australian universities have a greatreputation in my country. This experience overseas could open up a lot of doorsfor my future. I will definitely have more choices in terms of career. I couldeither stay in Australia, or work in another country, or come back to China tofind a good position. Studying abroad will be a great chance for me toexperience something new: I will meet new people, speak English every day,experience a new culture, and get a chance to travel.

  5. Why is it sometimes important for peopleto be alone?

  Well, I guess that we all need time toourselves at some point. I am sure I can think of a variety of reasons whypeople might need time alone:some people might need tranquility to thinkcarefully. A lot of students need time alone in order to focus on their lessonsbefore an important test. Some others might just not feel like talking becausethey are grumpy, or sad, or irritated. We definitely all want time on our ownto make a private phone call, or simply relax. There could be multiple reasonswhy people sometimes need privacy.

  6. Why do many people want to be successful?

  Well, the most significant reason might bethat, nowadays, success means wealth. If people become successful in business,or sports, or science, they will be more likely to get

  a high salary. With that money, they couldlead a very comfortable life, travel, buy anything they want, in other wordsmake their dreams come true.In addition, I guess that being successful mustfeel great deep inside. It must create a sense of achievement, you know, yourfamily and friends must be proud of you. People who are very successful mightenjoy being recognized too, although I am sure that fame also comes with somedisadvantages.

  7. Why is it important for companies toplan ahead?

  Well, companies must plan ahead for anumber of reasons.First of all, in business,

  if you don't know where you want to go, youwill never get there. If they want the company to be successful, the managersmust fix some goals for everyone to achieve. In addition, planning ahead makeseverything simpler: you can control costs, prepare schedules for employees, andalso motivate staff to reach targets.

  8. Why do people buy newspapers?

  Several factors contribute to the fact thatpeople still buy newspapers(=There's a combination of factors that causespeople to continue to buy newspapers) nowadays.First of all, newspapers arereliable. They offer clear and precise articles on a daily basis. In a fewpages, you have access to everything you need to know about current events. Inaddition, newspapers are very cheap in my country:they only cost 1 or 2 yuan.On top of this,

  they are interesting and fun to read.Compared with mobile phones or computers, I'm sure that people enjoy readingthe newspaper more because it's more comfortable for the eyes. Finally, itcreates a special feeling, especially when it's your own newspaper and no oneelse unfolded it before. A newspaper is like a gift, where every page is asurprise.

  9. Why do some people enjoy traveling?

  People enjoy traveling for a variety ofreasons.First of all, it's fun and relaxing. People can forget about their workor their studies.They can leave their stress behind. In

  addition, we always travel to see some newplaces, usually some impressive scenery, and

  we can also try some newactivities.Tourists are curious and adventurous.On top of this, traveling canbe a great opportunity to learn new things about another region or country.

  Travelers can find out about local history,local food and local customs. It's quite refreshing and enriching..



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