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  An occasion when you changed your plan


  You should say:

  What the plan was

  Why you changed it

  What you did instead

  And explain how you felt about changing the plan


  1) What kind of people like to change plan?

  2) Do young people prefer to change their plan?

  3) Do you think it's good to change plan frequently?

  4) What kind of occasions let people make a change?

  5) Is it good or not to make a change?


  The thing that I had to change my plan happened two weeks ago. That Saturday was my girlfriend's birthday. I was going to take her a fancy restaurant to have dinner. That restaurant is located on the top of a television tower and is a revolved one. If the weather is great, you can appreciate the wonderful scenery of the city ablaze with lights.

  However, just before the day of the date, I was suddenly told that there was an exam of history on the next day. To pass it, I needed to memorize the whole book, while I had not even started on page one. If I failed this subject, I would have to retake this course. It would not only be a waste of time, but also a waste of money since I had to pay for these credits. As a result, I had no choice but to give up the arrangement for next day's date and turned to study.

  The textbook had about 500 pages, and I only had a day and a half to put them into my mind. Obviously, only the daytime would not be enough and my dormitory would be powered off during the night. So I got a room in a hotel, had food delivered to my room and slept for one or two hours if I was too asleep. Eventually, I completed this mission 4 hours before the exam.

  Although I got great grades for this course, I was not happy at all. My girlfriend was mad at me because I missed her birthday. I regretted so much that I had not spent more time on the study in normal times.



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