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  An important decision


  Describe an important decision/ choice that you made in your life.

  You should say:

  What the decision was;

  When you took the decision;

  What the results of the decision was and whether it was a good choice;

  and explain why it was an important decision or choice for you.


  What do you think are the most important decision that people make in their lives?

  What skills are necessary when making decision?

  How can people improve their decision-making skills?

  Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

  How can older people help young people make their own decisions wisely?

  What are the qualities of a good leader?

  In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities?


  Speaking of an important decision I took a long time to make, I'd like to describe the one that happened in my college life.

  When I was a senior student in college, I was crazy about Leehom Wang, a handsome guy who is the well-known pop song singer in my country, I've collected all his albums and to be honest, he was my Mr. Right in my heart. The good thing was, Leehom would hold his solo concert in my city, and my roommate Lucy succeeded in buying me two tickets to the show; I was so excited about the show and was looking forward to the wonderful night.

  However, the annoying part was that there was a course test given by Prof. Miller by a sudden, and the exam was just the day after the show.

  I was in a dilemma as to how to make the choice? If I came to watch the show, I couldn't have enough time to prepare my exam, someone suggested me to study after watching the show, but I must be very tired after see the show and I could not have the right mood to prepare the exam you know, I really wanted to get a good academic record. But, on the other hand, it was so

  pity to skip the show, I have already bought the tickets and it might be hard to find someone else to watch the show in such a hurry.

  It was really hard to make the final decision, but finally I did. I chose to study for the exam. I think as a student we should put study into the first priority when making a decision. At last, I release a notice on the campus forum to sell the tickets at a lower price, some students bought the tickets, I felt depressed at that time, but now, looking back, I think I made the right decision. Last year, I have watched the concert; that was so fantastic; now, there is no regret in my life.



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