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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Discussion topics:

  Relationships between parents and children

  Example questions:

  How much time do children spend with their parents in your country? Do you think that is enough?

  How important do you think spending time together is for the relationships between parents and children? Why?

  Have relationships between parents and children changed in recent years? Why do you think that is?

  Children's free-time activities

  Example questions:

  What are the most popular free-time activities with children today?

  Do you think the free-time activities children do today are good for their health? Why is that?

  How do you think children's activities will change in the future? Will this be a positive change?


  题目一:How much time do children spend with their parents in your country? Do you think that is enough?

  1. 结构提示:

  less and less

  It is not enough

  So in my opinion

  2. 要点提示:

  busy work/stay with grandparents

  题目二:How important do you think spending time together is for the relationships between parents and children? Why?

  1. 结构提示:

  It is of vital significance for parents and children to spend some time together, no matter

  in order to strengthen the emotional bond and detect some possible problems naive children might make,

  2. 要点提示:

  Increase the relationship/an example around you

  题目三:Have relationships between parents and children changed in recent years? Why do you think that is?

  1. 结构提示:

  However, nowadays most families choose to live in peace but apathy with little communication.

  If parents only

  it would just exaggerate the lack of mutual understanding within household

  2. 要点提示:

  more and more stay-at-home children/cause a lot of problems

  题目四:What are the most popular free-time activities with children today?

  1.结构提示:For my part,and are the most popular free-time activities. The reason why are popular among the children, I think, they

  2.要点提示:camping /electronic games such as iPad games/parties/ curiosity and interest in the new

  题目五:Do you think the free-time activities children do today are good for their health? Why is that?

  1.结构提示:It depends./ We can't roughly conclude whether they are good or not. As every one know, However,

  2.要点提示:appropriate entertainment/ be good for psychology development/be easily distracted from/ form a good habit of

  题目六:How do you think children's activities will change in the future? Will this be a positive change?

  1.结构提示:Possibly./I don't think so./ absolutely. I can't tell whether it will be a positive change on the account of that

  2.要点提示:Everything is changing./ the essence of children's activities stay the same in a long run/ keep healthy in physics and psychology/pure joy of childhood.



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