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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.



  What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

  What do you do with photos you take? [Why/Why not?]

  When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]

  Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]


  What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

  What do you do with photos you take? [Why/Why not?]

  When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]

  Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]

  1. 要点提示:

  1) Say the types of photos you like taking. Scenery photos or portrait photos like that and explain why.

  2) How do you deal with the photos you take. Keep them in a computer to recall your memory at times or develop them out to collect and tell why.

  3) Take photos or buy postcard to post or others. Choose one of your option and explain.

  4) Yes./ No. / It depends. Explain your reasons, for example, if the one who takes photo of you do not know any skills of taking photos…

  2. 结构提示:

  1)I like taking portrait photos best. Catching a glimpse of someone's smile, or seize the moment of someone's confusion is subtle and wonderful. You could't find any other approaches to freeze people's emotions.

  2)I usually keep the photos I take in my camera or in my computer. I think it's economical and environmental-friendly way to keep memories.

  3)I prefer to buy postcard to post to my friends other than only taking photos. Taking photos is only my experience while posting the postcards that with local landscape pictures shared my regards and experience with my friends.

  4)No. I don't think most people really know how to photograph others gorgeously except for themselves. If we want to look perfect on photos, we must pay attention to angle, light and background.



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