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  Part 2 话题:

  Describe a tall building you like or dislike

  You should say :

  1. Where it is

  2. What it is used for

  3. What it looks like

  4. And explain why you like or dislike it



  Fluency and coherence

  Grammarical range and accuracy

  Lexicial resource


  同学们普遍把注意力放在了口音和流利度上。而在语法和词汇的使用上做的很糟糕。在最后打分的时候, 分数难免会走低。这也就解释了为什么很多考生考完后觉得自己讲的很好但是分数不高的原因。

  1.I 'd like to talk about New Oriental Pearl TV tower ,which is located on the east bank of huang pu river .This distinct landmark is well-known for its amazing height and unique architecture .today, it's become a popular local attraction , seeing tens of millions of tourists from all over the world every year .

  2.As for what it's used for .well , it's a TV tower and a tourist attraction .It has fancy restaurants , local history museum, 4D cinema and a technology center .You know , about a decade ago , It was once the center of lu jia zui . So many years past , local people are still proud of it .

  3.From a distance , it looks like a gigantic kebab.The tower is supported by three enormous columns and it features two huge spheres.in my opinion , the architecture successfully combines chinese culture withmodern building design .It's said that those spheres hold aspecial meaning which is Shang Hai is the pearl of Asia .It has a breathtaking height . At the foot of the tower , I could barely see the top.

  4.As for how I felt about it . well , I 'm so proud of it .I was born and raised in this city . so I have a very special feeling on it . I still remember the first time that I visited it . it's about 13 years ago . at that time ,it's the no.1 building in china .I took the elevator to the top floor where I had the incredible view . so many years have past ,that memory's still vivid .

  I love it so much .



  1. Be located on the east bank of huang pu river :坐落于浦江东面

  2. Distinct landmark :与众不同的地标

  3. Be well-known for :以..而闻名

  4. Popular local attraction :很受欢迎的地方景点

  5. Tourist attraction :旅游景点

  6. From a distance :在远处

  7. The tower is supported by three enormous columns and it featurestwo huge spheres :大楼由三根巨大的石柱来支撑, 两个巨大的圆球是它的特色。

  8. The architecture successfully combines chinese culture with modern building design :建筑风格成功地融合中国文化和现代造楼工艺。

  9. I was born and raised in this city:我是土生土长的当地人。



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