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  1.The speaking module of the test is basedon communication. 口语考试的基点是交流。

  Keep the conversation going. Whenever youtalk to somebody, you like to have your questions answered fully, don’t you?Well, here it is the same, except that you are the one answering questions thistime: questions about yourself or things that you have experienced. GIVE YOURPOINT OF VIEW.

  保持谈话的进行。无论何时,当你和某人谈话时,你都希望他完整地回答你的问题, 不是吗?口语考试也是同样,只不过这次是你在回答问题:关于你自己或你经历过的一 些事情的问题。给出你的观点。

  2.You need to BE INTERESTING! 你须有趣味性!

  Would you like to study overseas?__"Maybe..."

  How often do you read the newspaper?__"Sometimes"

  Are you a student?

  __ “Yes...”

  Do you have a mobile phone? __ “Ofcourse...”

  3.DON’T BE BORING! 切勿枯燥乏味!

  THESE ANSWERS ARE UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!! CheckRules#2 & #3: describe and develop! 这些回答实不可取!

  请参阅法则 2 和法则 3:描述并拓展!

  Keep in mind that examiners are going tointerview MANY, MANY students in one day. They do not want to ask you"Why?" and "How?" all the time. You should make their jobeasier by giving complete answers.In other words,DON’T BE LAZY!DON’T BE BORING!

  请记住,考官一天内要面试许许多多的考生。他们不想总要问你“为什么?”以及 “如何?”。你应该给出完整的回答,以使他们的工作轻松一些。换言之,别偷懒!别枯 燥乏味! 4.DONOT RECITE SOME ANSWERS YOU HAVE PREPARED AT HOME! 切勿背诵你在家时准备好的答案!

  That’ s just boring!And the examiners aretrained to perceive it when a student repeats something by heart. They will tryto trick you if you are trying to recite. BE SPONTANEOUS!Plus, when you get toAustralia or America or wherever you are going abroad, you won’t be able torecite when talking to people. STUDY SMART, PRACTICE SMART!

  背诵很枯燥!考官是经过训练的,学生重复背诵回答时考官就能够洞悉出来。如果你试图背诵,他们就会想办法来扰乱你。因此要即兴回答!况且,当你赴澳大利亚或 者美国,或者国外任何一个地方,和别人交谈时你不可能用背诵的东西。故要明智地学 习,明智地练习。

  5.Your voice can help you soundinteresting! 你的声音能帮助你变得富有趣味性。

  English is a lively language, with emphasis(stress) on syllables and words. Use your voice to pass on your feelings. Youcan stress the important words to express emotions.This will make your speechsound more spontaneous and natural. I hate it when students speak

  in a very flat voice for every answer.Imagine someone saying the following sentence with a dull(=boring) voice: WHATA SHAME!

  英语是一门生动的语言,有重读音节和重读的单词。用你的声音来传递你的情感。你可以重读一些重要单词来表达情感。这会使你的讲话听起来更加自然。我很不喜欢 听到学生用平平的声音来回答每个问题。想象一下某人用呆板的声音来说出以下的句 子会是多么没劲!

  "I like Xiamen because it is abeautiful city. The beach is gorgeous and there are so many parks too.”

  The test is based on communication (I can’temphasize this fact enough!),so INTERACT!In the word interact, there is theword “ACT”,which means you should NOT BE PASSIVE.

  口试的基点是交流健一点怎么强调都不为过),因此要互动。互动这个词的英语 是 interact,该词里包含了“act”一词,意思是你不应被动。

  6.USE BODY LANGUAGE too. 使用肢体语言。

  Body language could help you to make thingsclear for a few questions. The“laowai" might better understand you if heliterally sees what you mean.

  肢体语言能帮你把某些问题回答清楚。如果“老外”看到你的表达,他也许会更明白你的 意思。



  Nowadays too much shyness indicates a lackof confidence.




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