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  In Part 2 of the Speaking Test the examinerwill hand you a cue card with one main question and some ideas about what totalk about. You will be given one minute to prepare.

  在口语考试的第二部分考官将发给你一张提示卡,上面写着一个主要问题和一些谈论的思路。你将有 1 分钟的时间做准备。


  In this book, you will realize that I haveorganized my thoughts into 5 POINTS, 5IDEAS before I started developing anyPart 2 question. YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME!This is why I have given you space nextto my five ideas to MAKE YOUR OWN!

  在本书中,你将会发现,我在开始回答任何一个口试第二部分的问题之前,都会把我的 想法归纳为 5 个要点,即 5 条思路。你也应该这样做!这就是为什么我在我的 5 个要点旁边 都留了空—让你们填写自己的要点。

  Once you get used to it, you will be ableto plan these 5 ideas very quickly. Each point can be developed into 2 or 3sentences.

  一旦养成习惯,你就能快速地构思出 5 个要点。每个要点可以拓展出 2-3 个句子。 And you can connect each ideawith...In addition... On top of this... What's more...


  然后你们可以用...In addition... On top of this...What's more... However...把每个要点连接起来。


  Tell me about a sports activity you havenever done but, you would like to try.

  1.Which sport? Is it famous?..skiing.Extremely famous in Europe USA (not in China)

  2. Where did you get thisidea?.last winter Olympics. Stunning international event

  3.What's so specialabout it?


  5.In the future?


  ·I love speed+looks really exciting(thrilling) = great regimes

  ·Next year I will be overseas=good chanceto try out t need$

  Tell me about a birthday you enjoyed.1.Whose birthday? When?

  2. Who? Guests+dinner

  3.Activity? Cake

  4.Compare with other birthdays 5.In thefuture?

  ·my last birthday. When?

  ·family+best friends. Dinner in arestaurant


  ·cake. candles. birthday song+gifts

  ·previous birthdays were always boring:why?

  ·I hone next year will be even better: Whatwould you do?

  GET YOUR 5 POINTS FOR EVERY TOPIC and youwill find. out it is no problem to keep on talking for 2 minutes.

  为每个话题找 5 个要点,你将发现说 2 分钟的时间没有问题。

  If you intend to reach band 5 or 6, Isuppose that you will say around 15 to 20 sentences

  in 2 minutes.You don't need to count thenumber of sentences exactly, but practice with a watch at home. After a coupleof weeks of giving short presentations for 2 minutes straight, you will feel alot more comfortable.

  如果你希望得到 5 或 6 分,我想你要在 2 分钟内说 1520 个句子。你并不需要仔细地数句子的数量,但是在家练习时请准备好一个表。练习持续 2 分钟的简短演讲,数周之后,你 将会觉得轻松许多。

  For a lot of topics, feel free to talkabout the future as your last point. It is easy to say2 more sentences aboutyour hopes, your expectations and your ambition for the future. It will makeyou sound smart and fluent if you can smoothly connect one idea to another.

  对于许多话题,完全可以把谈论未来作为最后一个要点。再多说两句或几句谈谈 自己的期望、愿望、理想,并不是件难事。如果能把一个要点同另一个要点顺畅地连接起来, 则会让你显得智慧且流利。

  Once you have written your 5 points, 5ideas, DO NOT LOOK AT THEM ALL THE TIME WHILE TALKING!Look at the examiner!Makeeye contact. In addition, if you want to read, you will be influenced by thenext idea you wrote down, and you will go through

  your 5 points too quickly.Take your time todevelop each point into at least 2 or 3 sentences.Since you have just writtenthese 5 ideas down, everything is fresh in your mind. Only look at your noteswhen you completely forget what to say next. Just have a quick peek at yournotes, and keep going.

  一旦写下你的 5 个要点,即 5 条思路后,在你开始谈论时请勿一直盯着它们看!看 着考官!用眼神交流。另外,如果你去读,你就会被写下的下一个要点所影响,从而会 过快地说完这 5 个要点。不要着急,慢慢说,为每个要点拓展出 2-3 个句子。既然你已 写下这 5 个要点,你的脑海中就有清新的印象。只有在你完全忘记下一个要点要说什 么时,你才需要看一下你做的注记,只需快速一瞥,然后继续你的叙述。



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