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  By Yourself 独自练习

  1.Read as much as possible:news articles onthe Internet on a daily basis, IELTS textbooks, magazines, anything andeverything written in English.


  2.Work on your listening: because if youdon’t understand the questions, you can’t answer them!Watch movies with Englishsubtitles (NO CHINESE!),listen to the BBC on the Internet, and get somematerial for IELTS listening.

  练习听力:因为如果你听不懂问题,你便无法作答。观看带英文字幕的电影(没有中文 的),在网络上收听 BBC,或获取一些雅思听力材料。

  3.Read this manual slowly and carefully.Take notes if needed. Highlight the new words or the structures you finduseful.


  4.Talk to yourself, especially for Part 2of the test. Speak out loud. Don’t worry about making mistakes.You should bemore concerned with fluency and the vocabulary you use in your answers.Wheneveryou realize you can’t say a word in English, paraphrase using other words toexpress the meaning you are looking for. Later on, you can look it up in the

  dictionary and learn new vocabulary. 自我对话:尤其针对口试第二部分。大声说出来。不要担心说错。而应多关注流利程度


  5. Prepare 5 points (5 main ideas) for asmany Part 2 topics as possible. Once you figure out how to plan these ideas,you will realize it’s a similar process for most topics.Once you have your 5points, you develop 2 or 3 sentences for each of the 5 ideas, and you will findout it takes you 2 minutes:perfect!Practice again and again until you feelcomfortable (See page 20).

  为尽可能多的口试第二部分的话题准备 5 个要点。一旦你琢磨出如何构思这些要点,你将发现对于大多数话题准备过程类似。当你有了这 5 个要点,就为每个要点拓展出 2 到 3 个句子。你会发现这正好需要用 2 分钟的时间:完美!不断地练习直到你感觉到驾轻就熟睛参阅第 20 页)。

  6.Time yourself for Part2.You only have2minutes.When time 15 up,the examiner will interrupt you.The more Practice youdo at home,the better you will get at time management.Two minutes 90 byfast.Make sure you don’t repeat yourself though(hence the importance ofPlanning your 5 ideas).Don’t forget to use words like:

  练习第二部分时自己计时:你只有 2 分钟时间。当时间结束时,考官将会打断你。你在 家里做的练习越多,你对时间的掌控就越好。2 分钟的时间过得很快。要确保你没有在重复 (因此,构思出 5 个要点很重要)。不要忘记使用如下单词:

  Firs(t 第1个要点)...Inaddition(第2个要点)...Ontopofthis(第3个要点)...However (第 4个要点)...In the future(第 5 个要点)...

  7.Read as many Part 3 questions asPossible(and the answers in this book) in order to avoid surprises.Practiceanswering using the linking words “In addition...On top of this...However...”(Refer to Rule#3.)

  为了避免出乎预料的问题,要尽可能多地阅读第三部分的问题(以及在本书中的回答)。 练习回答时要使用连接词:“In addition...on top of this...However...”渗见第三则)。

  8.Make a Plan for yourself or follow thePlan given to you in this book. 为自己订一个计划,或者遵循本书中列出的计划。

  9.Go to an IELTS training center,and ask tohave your peaking level assessed by a teacher.It should not take the teachermore than 5 minutes to find out what your level is.

  到雅思培训中心,请老师为你的口语水平做一个评估。这个用不了 5 分钟。

  .If you are estimated a band-4 student,youneed3-4 months of intensive work to get to 6 Points.

  如果评估结果为 4 分,你将需要 3-4 个月的强化练习时间以达到 6 分。

  .If you are estimated a band-5 student,youneed 2-3 months of intensive work to get to 6 Points.

  如果评估结果为 5 分,你将需要 2-3 个月的强化练习时间以达到 6 分。

  .If you are band 6 already,you need 2months of intensive work to get to 7 Points. 如果你已达到 6 分,你将需要 2 个月的强化练习时间以达到7 分。With A Partner 与同伴一起练习

  In order to improve your speaking, YOU MUSTSPEAK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Most students worry too much about the mistakes theymight make, instead of focusing on pronunciation, clarity and fluency. Speak toa partner, a classmate, your mother, anyone whose English level is similar toyours,and make sure that your partner understands what you are saying.

  为了提高你的口语,你必须尽可能地多说。多数学生过分担心会说错,而忽略了发音、 清晰度和流利程度的问题。和你的同伴、同学、你的母亲、任何与你的英语水平接近的人说 英语。要确保你的同伴能够明白你的意思。

  1.Get in pairs, and ask each otherquestions. This book gives you almost a thousand questions categorized indifferent sections. Jump from one topic to another. You need at least

  40 minutes of pair work in order for thepractice to be efficient. Remember: the more, the better! 组成对,相互问问题。本书给了你近千个分作口试各部分的问题。不断变换话题练习。为了 确保练习的效果,你至少需要 40 分钟的结对练习。请记住:练得越多越好。

  2.USE ENGLISH ONLY!It’s your chance topractice, and you already have all the questions given to you in this book. Ifyou don’t understand what your partner is saying, ask him/her to rephrase inEnglish once again. Pretend to be the examiner. It will be fun, and

  most important, very useful! 只说英语!这是你练习的机会,并且本书已提供给你所需的所 有问题。如果你不明白你同伴的话,就请他用英语解释一遍。假装你是一名考官,这将会很 有趣,最重要的是,这很有用。

  3.Surprise each other with unexpectedquestions. The IELTS speaking module could

  be about anything and everything. You neverknow what is going to come up. So definitely surprise each other!Open the bookat random, and ask your partner the first question you see. Encourage yourclassmate to develop his/her answers. Make sure he/she explains everythingclearly (Why? How?)

  彼此问一些意料之外的问题。雅思口语考试任何东西都会谈到。你无法预料会问什么问 题。所以,必须练一些意料之外的问题。随意翻开本书的任何一页,向你的同伴提问你第一 眼看到的问题。鼓励你的同学给出自己的回答。确认他能将每件事情解释清楚伪什么?怎么 发生的?)。

  4.Focus on particular question types: Ask“How often...?”questions for 10 minutes. Ask "Why...?”questions for 15minutes. Concentrate on one structure and hammer it into your brain!Drill,drill, drill!Check the Question Types right after this section.

  重点练习一些具体类别的问题:“How often...?”的问题练习 10 分钟。“Why...?”的 问题练习 15 分钟。集中练习一种句型结构并把它印在脑袋里!练习,练习,再练习!

  5.Focus onthe PAST TENSE for Part 2:get some topics about your childhood or

  whatever is related to the past (somethingdifficult you did well; a trip you took; a gift you received...).Ask yourpartner to answer, and interrupt him/her every time you notice he/she doesn’t usethe past tense.口试第二部分要重点练习过去时态:找一些关于你的童年或者与过 去相关的话题(你克服了的一些困难、一段旅行、一份你收到的礼物......)。让你的同伴回答, 每当你注意到他不使用过去式时就打断他。

  6. Go to English corners organized atBeijing IELTS and in other training centers all

  over your city. Go with a partner just incase the teacher in charge organizes pair work during

  the session.参加北京雅思或遍及你所在城市的其他培训中心举办的英语角,和一名同伴一起 去,因为老师也许会在活动中组织对子练习。

  7 . Make sure you understand what yourpartner is saying . Pronunciation is fundamental!If you don’t understand, makehim/her repeat. Clarity is essential! 要确保你能够听明白你同伴所说的话。发音是基础!如果你听不明白,就请他再重复一遍。 清晰是十分必要的。

  8.Be spontaneous!Don’t be afraid to makemistakes.Everyone does.I have been speaking English every day for the last 10years and I still get confused with some prepositions or the stress in words Idon’t often use.


  保持自然!不要害怕说错。每个人都会说错。在过去 10 年中我每天都在说英语。 但我有时仍然对一些前置词或一些不常用的词的重音感到困惑。




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