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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  PART 1 口试第一部分 (4-5minutes 4-5 分钟)

  The examiner will ask you verystraightforward questions.Part 1 is the easiest part of the test. The foreignerwill ask you 3 or 4 questions about one topic, and then move to another one.

  考官将问你一些非常直接的问题。第一部分是整个口试中最简单的部分。考官就 一个话题将会问你 3 到 4 个问题。然后转到另一个话题。

  Expect to talk about yourself, yourprofessional situation, your studies (now or in the past), your family, yourhometown, your hobbies, or your daily routine.

  你将谈论你自己、你的专业、你的学习(过去或现在)、你的家庭、你的家乡、你的爱 好,或你的日常活动。

  Develop your answers, give details, beinteresting, and everything will be fine.The questions are not tricky. Simplystick to the question, and show the examiner you can talk. Don’t make thingscomplicated. Simply fully answer every question.

  要扩展你的回答,给出详细的信息,使其具有趣味性,这样一切就会很好。问题不会很 难。只需要简单地围绕着问题回答,并向考官展示你能够交谈。别把事情复杂化。只要充分地回答每个问题即可。

  PART 2 口试第二部分

  (1 minute to prepare+2 minutes to speak 1 分钟准备+2 分钟回答)

  The examiner will give you a card with amain question and some ideas about what to talk about. You are given one minuteto think about what to say. You can take some notes(AND YOUSHOULD!!!).Candidates who do not write anything often get stuck after 1minuteand 30 seconds,and frequently repeat themselves or hesitate too much. Once theminute is over, the foreign examiner will ask you to start talking. 考官将会给你一张卡片,上面写着一个主要问题和一些谈论的思路。你将有 1 分钟的时 间去思考要说些什么。你可以做一些注记际应该做!!!)。没有做任何注记的考生在说了 1 分 30 秒之后往往说不下去了,频繁地重复,或犹豫很久。1 分钟准备时间到,考官将请你 开始谈话。

  You have 2 minutes to answer the question.Once the 2 minutes are over, the examiner will interrupt you, and whether youstill have things to say doesn’t matter. No one is allowed to speak for longerthan 2 minutes. Try to speak at least 1 minute and 50 seconds if you intend toget at least 5.5 points.

  你将有 2 分钟的时间回答卡片上的)问题。一旦 2 分钟时间结束,考官将会打断你, 无论你是否说完。没有人被允许回答超过 2 分钟的时间。如果你想得到至少 5.5 的分数,你 必须尽可能地至少说 1 分 50 秒。

  After 2 minutes, the examiner might ask youone or two follow-up questions based on your answer. Examiners might want moredetails, or they might ask you to clarify a thing you may have said.

  2 分钟之后,考官也许会根据你的回答再询问你一两个问题,也许会要求你给出更多的 细节,或者解释你之前所阐述内容中的某一件事。

  PART 3 口试第三部分 (4-5minutes 4-5 分钟)

  The examiner should ask you questionsrelated to the topic you were asked about in Part 2. The questions in Part 3should be more “abstract and conceptual”(=the questions are a bit harder).Ifyou read all the questions I provide in this book, you will know what toexpect.

  考官将会询问与第二部分话题相关的问题。第三部分的问题将会更加“抽象化和概念化” (即问题的难度将会加大)。如果你阅读本书提供的所有问题,你就会知道你会被问到什么 样的问题。

  The examiner will ask you to comparesituations, to give advantages and disadvantages of various things, or todescribe places or memories.You might have to speculate about the future, andshare your opinion on different beliefs and actions.

  考官将会要求你去比较不同的情况,给出不同事物的正面和负面,或者描述不同的地 点或记忆。你或许会被要求展望未来,分享你对不同信仰和行为的观点。

  Work on your listening!If you understandthe question, you will be fine: the examiner expects to hear your point of viewon different topics.There is no right or wrong, as long as you explain yourselfclearly.


  Don’t hesitate to give examples toillustrate your arguments (just like when you write), and make things as clearas possible.




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