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  The examiner will evaluate each candidateaccording to five linguistic areas: 考官将会从语言的 5 个方面来评估每个考生的水平:

  1.Fluency 流利程度

  You should be able to speak at length.Youmust develop your answers without hesitating too

  much or pausing too often. Always go intodetail and explain everything to the exammer.


  DO NOT SPEAK TOO QUICKLY!Fluency is not thesame as speed. But you need to THINK FAST!


  In order to gain confidence and fluency,YOU MUST PRACTICE!I can't emphasize enough

  how necessary it is for you to get to speakas frequently as possible before you take the exam. You should be able to REACTQUICKLY to questions.Foreigners hate it when the student takes forever to sayone sentence: “I like... 1 like... hmmm... I like football....

  because....because, because, it is...hmmm... what's the word?”(Be careful: “how to say?”= Chinese English!!!In Englishwe say "what's the word?”)

  为了获得信心,达到流利,你必须练习!我不得不再次强调在你参加考试前不断地练 习是多么重要。你必须快速对提问做出反应。当学生支支吾吾地说“I like... I like...

  hmmm... I like football... because...because,because,it is... hmmm... what's the word?”而始终 说不出一个完整的句子时,外国人是很烦的。请注意:“how to say?”是中式英语! 英语中我们说"what's the word?"。)

  2.Coherence 前后一致

  First you must make sure you are answeringthe question the examiner asks you. If

  you don't, it's probably because yourlistening is not good enough. In addition, YOURANSWERS MUST BE LOGICAL.

  首先,你必须确认你回答的是考官所提的问题。如果你答非所问,可能是因为你听力不 够好。另外,你的答案必须符合逻辑。“Do you like sports?” “No, I don't like sports because it makes metired.” And then 20 seconds later(20 分钟之后):“Do you everplay basketball?” “Yes, I often play basketball with my friends. It's a lot offun.”=ILLOGICAL! (不符合逻辑!)

  “Are you very busy with your studies?”“Yes, you know, school in China is always busy.” Later on 稍后):“Do you have a lot of classes every week?” “No, not so many. My

  schedule is quite good.”=ILLOGICAL!(不符合逻辑!)YOU SAID YOU WERE BUSYWITH CLASSES!(以上回答前后矛盾)

  3. Vocabulary (Lexical Resources)词汇量

  First you should be able to talk about awide range of topics. Try to learn a few words

  for each topic given in this book. PracticeDESCRIBING EVERYTHING around you: people, places, objects around you.

  首先你必须能够广泛地谈论各种话题。学习本书中给每个话题提供的几个单词。 练习描述你周围的一切:人物、地点、身边的物体。

  The best way for you to improve yourvocabulary is to LEARN SYNONYMS(=

  2 words which have similarmeanings.Example:rich=wealthy=well-off).By learning synonyms, you will avoidrepeating yourself. 扩大词汇量最好的方式就是学习同义词(即两个有着相似含义的单词,比如 richwealthy= well-off)。学习同义词可以避免重复。

  In addition, be very careful with thedifferent forms of words:students often get confused between verbs,adjectivesand nouns. (Example: to succeed, to be successful, to meet with success; tocommunicate, communicative, communication)

  另外,要注意词的不同形式。考生经常对动词、形容词和名词感到混乱。(例如:to succeed,to be successful,to meet withsuccess:to communicate,communicative, communication)

  4. Grammar (Grammatical Range and Accuracy)语法(语法结构的广范度和精确度) Pay attention to tenses (PASTTENSE!!!!!!I went, I did, 1 gave, 1 wrote... Come on!

  You have been studying grammar every day atschool since middle school!You have NO excuse!)and TRY TO USE MODALS as much aspossible (might, may, should, have to, can, could.)

  留意时态(过去式:I went, Idid, I gave, I wrote...拜托!从中学开始你们每天都在学习语 法!你没有任何借口!)并且尽可能多地使用情态动词(might, may, should, have to, can, could...)。

  5. Pronunciation 发音

  DON'T SPEAK TOO FAST!You will makemistakes,and the examiner might find it hard to

  follow you. OPEN YOUR MOUTH; BE CLEAR!Don'ttry to be too American by mumbling your words.You were born in China; and theexaminer knows you have an accent: everyone does. Don't think about it. JUSTFOCUS ON CLARITY!





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