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  We are all red under the skin.

  Better alone than badly accompanied.

  There's something about knowing how to close the deal.

  Her eyes narrowed.

  I'll come back to you later.

  That makes no difference.

  What's your name?

  Why are you laughing?

  What does that mean?

  How are you doing?

  What's distracting you now?


  Don't you get it?

  Can I talk to you for a second?

  Could you please get me a Diet Coke?

  Isn't it adorable?

  然后是Non-final Intonation,就是在一个句子还没有结束的情况下,我们的语调先往上走,等到句子结束在下降。我们其实碰到过比较尴尬的情况,就是在听演讲的时候,因为说话者的语调没有把握好,导致掌声提前到来。下面几种情况就是我们要用到non-final Intonation的。

  第一种unfinished thoughts,就是最直接的,我的话还没说完:

  I judge people by what they do, not who they are.

  The only way to love, is to love freely.

  If I were you, I'd take the bus.

  When I was a kid, life was so much easier.

  第二种,introductory words,在你正式进入主题之前说的一些开场白:

  At the end of the day, I was completely exhausted.

  As a matter of fact, I never celebrate birthday.

  Unfortunately, it rained too much.

  In my opinion, it's way too expensive.


  Opportunity is not equally distributed across race, class, and gender.

  We have all been taught in schools, through movies, and from family members, teachers, and clergy that it is important not to be prejudiced.

  I'm taking math, biology, French, and history.

  The oath taken by generations of graduates before you, to make your city and your world greater, better and more beautiful.


  I judge people by what they do, not who they are.

  The only way to love, is to love freely.

  If I were you, I'd take the bus.

  When I was a kid, life was so much easier.

  语调的最后一种就是相同的句子用不同的语调可以表达不同的态度和感情,根据当时的情景你可以去变换你的语调,我们通过一个很简单的对话 来体会一下语调的魅力。

  a. Did you do it?

  b. No.

  a. No?

  b. No?

  a. Why not?

  b. I don't know.

  a. You don't know?

  b. I don't know.

  a. Oh really?

  b. Yeah, really.

  好了,下面我们一起来练习一下连读,让你的英语说起来上升一个档次,掌握了这些连读规则,你也可以更好地在听力中去辨别是哪些词被连在的一起导致你理解错误。同时大家要记住,连读不等于你的语速要变快,只是听得更流利一些。其实连读也是个习惯的问题,有些句子大家应因为不经意连读习惯的,要拆开读反而不习惯,比如Not at all, H&M, Rock&Roll,这些养成了连读的习惯,你不连读都觉得奇怪。

  连读呢也是有些规则的,最常见的就是前面单词的结尾辅音连后面单词开头的元音,比如I like it, double l, What time is it?

  而两个相同的辅音我们只发一个音,比如black cat, He speaks Spanish, what time

  不同的辅音呢,当然首先你得学会分清楚stops和continuants,我们通常把前面单词的结尾辅音给hold住,其实这个在辅音的部分做过讲解,比如在单词内部,澳大利亚的城市悉尼,拼写中有个很明显的d,但是却被hold住了,给人的感觉是中间有个音但是没有被发出来,Sydney,注意不是直接删掉,而是要有个音节存在,类似的例子么我们可以一起联系一下,help me, that man, good food, pop music

  元音和元音之间也是存在连读的现象的,比如我们会在/ei//i//ai/后面加上一个短短的/y/音,在/u//ou/后面加上一个短短的/w/的音,所以即使我们日常说的很多的那句How are you?里面也有连读,yes, I am也有连读,did you do it?这些都是元音连读的例子。

  另外一个是缩写,一些助动词或者be动词通常被缩写,而这些在没有特殊情况下的话是要被弱读的,不然你说话的意图会被改变,比如当你说I'm happy和I am happy的时候,感情状态是不一样的,一个是说你开心I'm happy,一个是为了反驳别人说你不开心I am happy,常见的还有will, I'll call you, It'll rain;would, I'd like some tea, He'd go if he could;has和have, She's left, I've had lunch.

  虚拟语气的结构也有缩写If I'd known it was your birthday, I would've gotten you a present. I would've passed the test if I'd studied more.


  My American Accent

  I've been practising the yAmerican accent // for a while now. Atfirst, // it was kind of hard // to keep track of all the rules andexceptions. I had no widea // there was so much to learn. I've been practising// with the yaudio materials. // It's somewhateasier // to pronounce some of the sounds // but it's difficult to know // how wI sound to wothers. I think I'm getting better. One of the hardest things for me // is to stress some syllables // and to reduce certain others. When I yask my friends // how wI sound, they yall say // they hear a difference in my speech. My boss said// that I am making progress // and that I sound // more and more like a native speaker. My clients are not asking me // to repeat myself as much. It makes it all worthwhile. I won't stop practicing.




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