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  Do you wear jeans?

  I wear jeans very often. Today jeans are really popular with both sexes, for men and women equally. I think they suit pretty much everyone. There are lots of different styles of jeans, tight jeans, baggy jeans, ripped jeans, light blue jeans, dark blue jeans, black jeans! All sorts to suit almost anybody. I wear jeans every weekend, almost. I wear other, more formal clothes to work.

  How often do you wear jeans?

  Like I was saying earlier, I wear jeans every weekend, sometimes in the evenings if I go out. So I wear jeans quite frequently, several times a week. They're a comfortable and fashionable choice really.

  Do you like to wear jeans?

  I love wearing jeans yes. Though sometimes, if I go to a nice restaurant, a nightclub or somewhere like that, I choose to wear something more fancy, you know, like a nice dress or a more elegant or exciting style of clothes.

  Why do you think jeans are popular in China?

  Jeans are very popular in China. There are many daily situations where we actually dress quite casually in China. Most office jobs in China do not require men or women to wear very formal suits, so we can dress down a bit. So jeans are very popular and you see many people wearing them in many everyday situations.



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