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雅思口语话题P2:Place To Read

雅思口语话题P2:Place To Read

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  雅思口语话题P2:Place To Read

  Describe a place where you read and write (not your home).

  You should say:

  where it is

  how often you go there

  who you go there with

  and explain how you feel about this place

  I don't read very often these days, but there is one place I go to read sometimes. It is a cafe near to my home. It's actually part of a modern hotel, but the cafe is public and popular with people having business meetings, travellers, and artistic types. That's partly because it's located right in the centre of a really nice area of town, and also has an art exhibition area. I often read on my kindle there but sometimes I take a physical book. Although the cafe is a bit expensive I don't really mind because I order one pot of tea and they give you endless refills. So I sit there on the really comfortable sofas and read and study a little. I usually go there on my own but sometimes I meet my friend, Martyn, there, and I stop reading and we sit and chat together for a while. I feel good there. I like the decor, I like the fact that it is peaceful, the service is excellent and really polite, and it's just a perfect place to read.



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