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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1. How do you feel when people don't return things they borrowed from you?

  I will be quite annoyed if people don't return my belongings after borrowing it from me. The main reason event I think they are not honest and cannot keep their promises. Also I think I will be very disappointed because I only borrowed things to people when I trust them.

  2. Do you like to lend things to others?

  Well, I do not mind lending things to people but I do not like that. Because from my understanding I think it is people's responsibility to buy their own things and should not always borrow things from others. And it is very annoying when I cannot get my things back after I borrowed them to others. 3.Have you ever borrowed money from others?

  Well, I have borrowed money from others before. For example, last summer holiday I borrowed 500 grands from my father to buy a pair of shoes, but I returned them soon after I got my salary from my internship. Frankly speaking, I do not borrow money quite often.

  4.Have you ever borrowed books from others?

  Yes, I have borrowed books from others before. From my memory I had borrowed some books about science and technology from one of my friends because I was very interested in that subject but do not have any related books. I think it is a good way to learn from each other by lending and borrowing books, and it is also very convenient.



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