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  1. What's the differences of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?

  There are so many distinct aspects between them. The first came into my mind is that writing by hand is more time-consuming while typing can be more efficient. Besides, handwriting varies from people to people, but when inputting on a laptop, if we chose the same font, we can produce the exactly same thing. Another difference is that typing does not consume ink and paper but writing by hand does.

  2. Can we tell someone's personality from his or her handwriting?

  Well, I can't say for sure but I reckon that to some extent, a person's handwriting can be a reflection of his or her personality. When seeing an illegible and messy handwriting, we often assume that the writer is a bit impatient and hot-tempered. But when a neat handwriting is presented, we may think it comes from a careful and serious person's hand.

  3. Do you often write with a pen?

  When I was younger, the pens were almost one of my necessities in daily life. However, honestly, nowadays I rarely use a pen to write, because typing on my laptop or my smart phone is much more convenient for me. But I have the habit of keeping a diary, which requires me to take up a pen so whenever I open my diary, I write with a pen.

  4. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?

  I believe so. Keeping a diary gives me a chance to practice my handwriting more often than other busy modern young people. So relatively speaking, I think my writing is quite recognizable.

  Although typing has gradually replaced writing by hand in almost every area of life, I still think it is necessary to have a clear handwriting.

  5. Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?

  Actually, I would be extremely grateful if I get a hand-written card, because this kind of cards

  means that the person really cares about you and he or she is willing to spend time on you.

  However, I suppose an electronic card might be more environmentally-friendly and also more dynamic since you can add sounds and videos in it.



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