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  1. How do you keep your photos?

  We live in a digital age, and thank goodness for that, we can take lots of photos and store them properly on phones and computers. I usually take photos with my iphone and that's where I keep my photos. But I always keep a backup of all important photos in my computer in case I lose the data.

  2. In what situations do you take photos?

  The main purpose for my taking photos is that I can capture the precious moment in my life, and those are the main situations I take photos, such as the first day or last day at work, a family trip, or the sweet moment with my boyfriend, or something I am surprised to see and want to share with others.

  3. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?

  If I need to choose between the two, I would probably go with taking photos my self. I feel that different people have different characteristic, so the tastes of photos will be distinguishing. I know what works best for me. and I always feel embarrassed when I smile to other people.

  4. Do you like to take photos?

  I think so. I especially like to take photos of scenery because I really enjoy the amazing natural scenery such as the early spring, the flowers, sunset, seashore. And I also like to take photos of my family when we travel around, to capture their happy moments.

  5. How often do you take photos?

  First of all, I am not a professional photographer , i am just one of them who really love and admire good view. Sometimes I only take photos few times a week. Sometimes, I take a lot of photos, when I go on a trip or when I have a wonderful meal or when I hang out with friends.



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