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  1. What's your hometown?

  It's Hangzhou. Hangzhou is really a special place with a long history and great plants and trees. It provides a favorable living atmosphere. It has a number of tourist attractions, like the West Lake which attracts thousands of tourists every year.

  2. Do you plan to continue living there?

  My hometown is a quiet town with beautiful natural scenery. Although I love it very much, I don't plan to continue living there. Since the economic developments there are not as fast as some big cities, the lack of job opportunities and low-educational levels in my hometown are not good for personal development obviously, so I decided to move out in order to better myself in my career life. I guess I would move back after my retirement.

  3. Where would you like to live?

  I would like to live in international metropolises, such as Shanghai and Beijing. I think these cities are always full of opportunities. Living there, I could get better education and career. What's more, the means of transportation and public facilities in big cities are state-of-the-art, so I could enjoy a convenient life there. Although the living pace is relatively rapid and the competition is fierce, I have confidence to meet the challenge.

  4. Is that a big city or a small place?

  Well , actually , it ' s a big place but not as big as Shanghai. The living space is rather slow compared to some megalopolis. And the chances are fewer than those megalopolis. Therefore,I prefer to define Hangzhou a promimising city that is on its way to become a real big citiy.

  5. Please describe your hometown a little.

  Well, the most thing about my hometown is that it has a number of scenic spots, like the West Lake, and Linyin Temple. People of various age groups can enjoy or entertain themselves near the

  West Lake. Retired people usually sing opera near the Lake.

  6. How long have you been living there?

  For more than ten years. I moved from Suzhou to Hangzhou when I was a little girl. Since then, Hangzhou has been a witness to my childhood and study.

  7. Do you like your hometown?

  Certainly! Taking one point to illustrate, it's really a great place with a long history and nice living environment. If people are born here, it would be lucky because they are not only allowed to visit the excellent attractions but also taste specialties, like West Lake and sweet and sour sauce.

  8. Do you like living there?

  Certainly! Taking one point to illustrate, it's really a great place with a long history and nice living environment. If people are born here, it would be lucky because they are allowed to not only visit these excellent attractions but also taste specialties, like West Lake with sweet and sour sauce. 9.What do you like about your hometown?

  Well, the most attractive thing about my hometown is that it has a number of scenic spots, like the West Lake, and Linyin Temple. People of various age groups can enjoy or entertain themselves when they visit the West Lake. Retired people usually sing opera near that area.

  10. Is there anything you dislike about it?

  Well, transportation is a tough one. Transport is really a headache in Hangzhou. With the increase in private cars, roads have to hold heavy traffic. It is extremely terrible during the rush hour, you know traffic jam.

  11. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

  Yes, the future of my hometown will be promising. With the stimulation of the cities around,like Shanghai, it will definitely turn into a really modernized city. And it will attract more investment from people home and abroad so as to be a better place for living.



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