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雅思口语话题part1范文:Work or studies

雅思口语话题part1范文:Work or studies

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  雅思口语话题part1范文:Work or studies

  1. What work do you do?

  I am working as a teacher in XXX high school/ training organization right now. Usually I would teach English courses four days a week. Correcting my students' homework and other assignments is an essentially important part of my job. I would also spend time taking care of and playing with kids outside the classroom.

  2. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

  There is no doubt that teachers play an important role in students' lives. Back in my school time, I was lucky to encountered many excellent teachers who have had profound influence on me. Their passion to teach and patience to care have inspired me to be a teacher someday. With this idea along, I chose to study in English as my university major and became a teacher at the end of the day.

  3. Do you like your job?

  I am very fond of my job. Actually teaching is more of a career instead of a job to me. Since I was a child, I always dreamed of being a teacher, standing on the stage in front of the podium. I love embracing my students every day and passing on the knowledge I accumulated in the past years. I always have this feeling that as long as staying with my students, I will be energetic and passionate.

  4. Is it very interesting?

  Well, on one hand, teaching kids really requires considerate amount of energy and patience. They will sometimes make mistakes beyond your imagination. For example, they keep making noises during classes which are absolutely forbidden. But on the other hand, I would give a big yes if you ask me whether teaching is interesting. Spending quality time with kids will always inspire me to think out of the box since often times they would ask challenging questions.

  5.(Possibly) Do you miss being a student?

  Honestly, I do enjoy sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher, so yes, I miss being a student. Being a student is an enjoyable way for me to absorb knowledge. However, for now, I prefer being the one who is delivering knowledge because teaching is creating values and it's a way for me to pay back what I have learned during the past years.

  6. What subject(s) are you studying?

  I chose English as my major to study at XXX University. We have courses such as British literature, American literature, Advanced English, Linguistics, Lexicology and etc. I find English is a really challenging but interesting major.

  7. Why did you choose to study that subject?/Why did you choose to study those subjects?

  I think to learn another language is a good start to get a comprehensive understanding of their culture. Besides, I want to be the master of the two most important languages, English and Chinese. Once I know more about English and their culture, I can build up more bridges for these two nations in this globalized world.

  8. Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)

  Yes, of course I do. I would say I love the major I am studying in because learning another language is never simply about the grammar or the words themselves. It's more about the cultural background, serving as a way for communication and passing on the wisdom of humanity from generations to generations.

  9. Is it very interesting?

  Learning another language is not only an interesting but also challenging experience. It's full of fun when it comes to American and British humor. With excellent English, you can watch English TV series and movies without the subtitles. But on the other hand, it requires substantial amount of patience to remember different vocabularies and to use in the appropriate situations.

  10.(Possibly)Are you looking forward to working?

  Absolutely, I am looking forward to working because only in that way can I utilize what I have

  learned into practice and improve my capacities of it. What's more, I can learn from my peers and my seniors at work. It's also an excellent opportunity to start new friendships.

  11.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

  I actually prefer to study in the mornings. People tend to have a quite clear mind and a good mood in the morning. So by reading some delightful articles I can have a good start of my day. Furthermore, it is said that in the mornings, people have better memories than afternoons, so it might be easier for me to memorize things.



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