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  Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal


  Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal You should say:

  Who this person is

  What this person encouraged you to do How this person has helped you

  And explain why their encouragement helped you achieve the goal

  我的高中英语老师是鼓励过我的一个人。她发现我在学英语上的天赋,鼓励我发挥天赋,努力提升英语 成绩。她通过在我的作业上留评语,单独找我聊天鼓励我。通过她的鼓励我找到了学习的信心,最后取得 较好的高考成绩。

  Speaking of a person who encouraged me and helped me to achieve a goal, I am reminded of my English teacher, Ms. Wang, without whom (没有了他/她) I would never have made it to university. Ms. Wang was an experienced, gentle and easygoing teacher in her thirties, who was well known among her students because her classes were never short of (从来不缺少) laughter and joy.

  However, no matter how interesting the classes were, I was once a very naughty student, reluctant to (不愿意) follow teachers' instructions and listen to classes. Needless to say, I was among the worst students in most of the teachers' eyes, but not in Ms. Wang's. During our interactions, Ms. Wang somehow discovered that I had a special interest in letters and was actually quite talented in language acquisition, but it was my unwillingness to concentrate on studies that(强调句,正是…) prevented me from making progress. Therefore, she began to put more attention on me, trying to encourage me by leaving positive messages on my notebook, in which she wrote: you are better and talented than you think you are, so please work hard and make me proud. She also began to have some private conversations with me after classes, encouraging me to make full use of my talent to achieve better grades. Touched by her encouragement and kindness, I eventually found my confidence and began to concentrate on my studies. Thanks to her encouragement, I

  was able to discover my gift in language learning and achieve outstanding grades, enabling me to

  enter higher education.



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