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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a prize you want to win


  Describe a prize you want to win You should say:

  What the prize is

  How you knew about it What you will do to win it

  And explain why you want to win it

  我还是大一新生的时候,曾经从一场同校师兄的演讲中得知,由外研社举办的全国大学生英语演讲比赛 是国家级比赛,含金量十足。我一向对英语演讲兴趣浓厚,渴望借此比赛进一步夯实英语基础的同时,让更多人通过演讲了解我的想法,并认可我的能力。我在课余时间坚持勤奋练习英语演讲。

  The national English public speaking contest held by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press has been one of the most recognized speaking contests in China. Given its popularity and wide-spread recognition(广泛认可) among college students in China, I want to win a prize in the contest someday in the future. When I was still a freshman in college, I learned in a lecture held by one of my most exceptional seniors that this national-level English public speaking contest gathers the best English speaking contestants across China, including competitive students from prestigious universities(著名大学) like Peking University, Tsinghua University and Beijing Foreign Studies University. The competitiveness of the contest gives its prizes the highest value that can be found in China. I have always been keenly interested in(热衷于) English public speaking since I started to learn it. Through intense practice(高强度训练) before the contest, I expect my spoken- English and public speaking skills to be further improved. At the end of the day, if I participate in the contest, I want my English to be polished and more importantly, my thoughts to be heard and my capability to be recognized. For me, the contest is more than a chance to keep making myself better in English public speaking. It also serves as a platform to express my ideas to the audience and further shape my perception of the world(塑造我对世界的认知). To achieve all these goals, I am more than willing to sacrifice my free time after class. I would be fully dedicated to practicing English public speaking wherever and whenever I can.



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