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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a person who often helps others


  Describe a person who often helps others You should say:

  Who this person is

  How often he helps others Why he helps others

  And explain how you feel about this person

  我的大学同学Henry,他是香港人,我们直到一起分组做报告的时候我才开始慢慢了解他。一开始相处 我只是觉得他是个很有礼貌的人。由于他成绩很好,所以在讨论报告的时候他总是会梳理大家的观点,负责 总结统筹的工作,碰到有困难的组员他也会主动帮忙。

  Well, for this part, I would like to talk about my colleague friend Henry who comes from Hong Kong. Classmates as we are, not until we were in the same group for a class report last semester was I acquainted with(了解某人) him(倒装). A person with good manners was the first impression Henry left on me. To be more specific, he managed to sift through the main views(梳理观点) and conclude them as a whole during our discussion. What's more, he always gave us a hand on analyzing the pros and cons(分析利弊) of our conclusion if needed since he earned good grades in class. But after chatting with him, what surprised me is that he has personally run a blog for two years, which provides consultation and learning materials for undergraduates for free. On his blog, he updates information twice a week. These refer to(涉及) the aspects of major selection guidance, emotional management courses, second-hand textbooks sharing, Microsoft skills improvement training, etc., which really hit the target of our needs (契合我们的需求). Until now, his blog has more than 5000 followers and it is ever-increasing(持续增长的). Being a person with influence was Henry's original intention as he told me. He enjoys being the person who creates positive impacts on others' lives, thus gaining a sense of achievement. On the other hand, helping strangers enlarges his social circle as well. To tell the truth, before getting to know Henry, I have stereotypes(刻板印象) of Hong Kong people, which is, I consider them as selfish and exclusive. But Henry's way of speaking and acting has changed my mind. Frankly speaking, he is really a charismatic(有人格魅力的) person, and his personality trait(人格特质) of helpfulness makes it easy to build a sense of trust with him.



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