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  Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time


  Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time You should say:

  Where you went

  When you went out What you did

  And explain why you had a good time

  上个月有一天和发小一起出去吃火锅,然后去电影院看了复仇者联盟·终局之战(复联四)。我们两个认识 已经十多年了,都爱吃火锅,并且又都是漫威粉,所以玩得非常开心。

  Um... I guess that was last month when I had a marvellous day with my friend, my best friend actually, Judy. I think it was a Sunday or something, cuz the restaurant and the cinema were really crowded. Anyway, we went to have Szechuan hotpot(四川火锅) because we are both so called "hot-pot-heads (特别爱吃火锅的人,参见pot-head)" and we're both into spicy food. We talked so much during the meal cuz she actually studies in another city, which is quite far away from our hometown. So these years, basically, we can only meet when she comes back home during the holidays. She told me that she is going abroad for further study, too. Hopefully we can meet each other more often in the UK ha-ha! And after dinner we went to see the big hit(大热门) at that time, which was called Avengers: Endgame. The film was super cool, you know, with all those CGI and stunts, it was totally amazing. The cinema was fully booked because you know, it was so popular. I spent quite a fortune to get premiere(首映式) tickets. But it was totally worth the price. Judy and I go way back, you see, our parents are colleagues. We knew each other since we were three years old. Both of us are Marvel fans, like fanatics(狂热粉丝). So we had literally the best day ever so far in our lives.



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