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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information


  Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information You should say:

  When you got it

  How you got it

  How you found it was incorrect And explain how you felt about it

  上个暑假,我收到一条信息。信息是由复仇者的电影制造方发出。只要我转2000元到指定的账号,我就 可以获得一张去好莱坞的飞机票。我妈妈说这是诈骗犯发出的信息。我打了很多次发信息人的电话号码, 都没有打通,觉得很沮丧。我最后相信是假的。最后我真想原地爆炸,我多希望收到的是一条信息真实的 短信。

  I'd like to talk about the message that I received last summer holiday. One morning I was disturbed by the phone ringing. It turned out that I was chosen as a lucky dog (幸运儿) by the team of the blockbuster movie(卖座的片子), the Avenger. In other words, I was awarded with the flight ticket to Hollywood, as long as I transferred 2000 yuan to the specific account. I was on cloud nine(格外开 心). Not only was it my first time to be the lucky one, but also I have always had my heart set on (梦寐以求) visiting America. As you may know, the original price of the flight ticket is twice as much as 2000 yuan. I shared the news with my mom instantly. Not as joyful as I was, she felt doubtful. She said she knew two other youths who received that message from the filmmaking team. In fact, it was sent by fraudsters. The world seemed gloomy(灰暗的), when I heard my mom's words. I couldn't believe that it was actually a trap, so I made a phone call to the film making team. As expected, no one responded. I kept making phone calls millions of times and still no one answered. I became despondent(沮丧的). Eventually, I came to realize that the message was sent by fraudsters. I was about to explode. (原地爆炸). I wish I had received the real message.



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