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  Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future


  You should say:

  Where you want to go What would do you do

  Who you would like to go with

  And explain why you would like to go there

  南京是中国四大古都之一,我一直很想去南京欣赏那儿独有的景点、品尝当地美味的特色小吃,,如果 可以的话,我希望能4月初和父母一起去南京游玩三天,那个时候的南京,温度适宜,最适合旅游了。 Nanjing is a city famous for its rich culture and long history, known as one of the four great ancient capital cities in China. I've been itching to (渴望) go to Nanjing to enjoy the unique beauty there and taste the local delicacies(当地美食). If possible, I hope to go to Nanjing for three days with my parents in early April. At that time, the temperature will be suitable for travelling. In Nanjing, we can feel the historical charm in the presidential palace and Xuanwu Lake. The Nanjing presidential palace is a collection of scientific research, the cultural relic preservation(文物保存), the popular science education and the traveling is a body comprehensive museum(综合性博物馆). Xuanwu Lake is in the northeast portion of Nanjing City near the railway station. Besides, we can enjoy the local delicacies, like salty wild duck, duck blood and bean-starchy vermicelli soup, eight special snacks in Qinhuai etc. in some famous culinary tourist attractions, such as: Confucius temple, and Lion Bridge. Actually, Nanjing and the salty wild duck have a very complicated relation(千丝万缕的联系). It is reported that in the Qing Dynasty salty wild duck was just as popular, and in Nanjing's Confucian temple examination hall the examinees converged to eat it.(考生云集). I do believe that a three-day trip is sure to be full of joy. And it will be one of the most memorable adventures of my life.



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