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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a time when you look for information on the Internet


  You should say:

  When it happened What you looked for

  Where you searched on the Internet

  And explain how you felt about the information

  大四临近毕业的时候,我和小伙伴打算安排一次毕业旅行,,我们查询了旅游的城市、气候、往返路费、 食宿等各方面的信息,再综合决定目的地,当时我们浏览了旅游相关的贴吧、论坛,下载了旅游app,看了非常多的游记和攻略,我觉得通过网络查找旅游城市的信息非常靠谱。

  At the end of my undergraduate degree, my friends and I decided to take a graduation trip to celebrate our graduation. Actually, apart from its ritual function of saying farewell to our college life(大学生活的告别仪式), a graduation trip now also serves as a form of soul-searching(追寻自我) for us graduates. We had no idea about our destination, but we really wanted to choose a wonderful place for our graduation trip, because we all hoped it would be a holiday of our lifetime(终身难忘的旅行). Therefore, we spent time surfing the internet for a suitable destination and made elaborate preparations for our trip. We inquired about the city, climate, round-trip fares, accommodation and other aspects of tourism information, and then decided the destination. We browsed the travel related posts, forums, downloaded a lot of apps, such as Honeycomb, Ctrip, etc., and we also read a lot of travel notes and strategies. I think it's very reliable to find tourist cities through the Internet because travel notes and travel guides can restore the true appearance of tourist spots to a great extent. A quick search on the internet using the keywords 'graduation trip,' for example, provided links to articles discussing some famous holiday resorts(度假胜地), as well as tips for our trip that merit our attention(值得注意,值得参考).



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