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  Describe a successful family business that you know


  You should say:

  What it is

  Who their customers are

  When and who started the business

  And explain how you think it/why you are interested in it

  沃尔玛公司是一家美国的跨国零售企业。沃尔玛仍然是一个家族企业,其控股人为沃尔顿家族,拥有沃 尔玛48%的股权。作为零售企业,可以说每一个人都是他们的顾客。大家在沃尔玛几乎可以买到所需的一 切日用品。1962年,山姆·沃尔顿创立沃尔玛,1969注册成立。我认为沃尔玛给人们生活带来了便利,我 看过一篇报道,据说沃尔玛每年能为美国四口之家省下2500美元。

  When it comes to a family business, I think of Walmart. Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation. It is a publicly traded (公开上市的) family-owned business, as the company is controlled by the Walton family. Sam Walton's heirs own over 50 percent of Walmart's shares. I think everyone could be Walmart's customer. In Walmart, you can find almost everything you need for daily use. On Walmart's goods shelves, you can find foods from home and abroad, electronic products such as TVs and cameras, clothes for women, men and children, and even furniture. You can find whatever you need in Walmart. On July 2, 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Walmart store in Arkansas. In 1969, the company officially incorporated (正式注册) as Wal-Mart Stores. In 1972, Walmart was listed on the New York Stock Exchange(纽约股交所). Walton transformed the retail industry with a strategy of offering lower prices, while still maintaining good service – something that his competitors at the time thought would never work. (复合句). I think Walmart brings convenience to people's lives. I read a report that says Walmart saves a typical American family of four about $2500 a year. What's more, Walmart offers many part-time job opportunities, lightening unemployment pressure. I think the development of Walmart is very encouraging. What started small, with a single discount store and the simple idea of selling more for less, has grown over the last 50 years into the largest retailer in the world. (主语从句).



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