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  Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free time


  You should say:

  What the activity is

  Where you do it

  How often you do it

  How you do it

  And explain why you do this activity

  当我有空的时候我喜欢独自去散步。通常我会去家附近的公园散步。如果周末天气好,不下雨的话,我 会每周去一次。在散步的过程中,能让我忘记烦恼,亲近自然。一个人去的话,可以随时驻足休息,欣赏 风景,欣赏公园里的一花一木,还能与自己对话,理清思路。

  When I am free, I like to go for long walks. It's a time when I get very focused on my core, on my posture, on relaxing, and I know that when I come back I'm going to feel great. (长句). For me, the best place to do it is the park near my home. Sprawling (占地) over more than 50 square kilometers, it is filled with stunning architecture, large pathways and carefully designed and meticulously manicured gardens (精心设计修整的花园),. Moreover, there is a large lake. In the spring, I can see lots of willows on the bank of the lake. Normally, I go for a long walk once a week, as long as it does not rain heavily or storm all day. Usually, I carry a backpack with a bottle of water and wear a pair of comfortable and light sneakers. One of my friends gave me a pair of Sketchers walking shoes as a birthday present. Wearing them, my feet will not hurt after a long walk. What's more, I wear Bluetooth headsets(蓝牙耳机) so I can listen to music while walking. I like going for long walks alone because it is peaceful, quiet, and relaxing and it is good for physical and mental health. When I am walking, I forget my troubles and get close to nature. I can stop to appreciate (欣赏) every beautiful flower I pass, take a break whenever I want, and best of all, I can talk to myself and clear my mind.



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