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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family


  You should say:

  What the thing was

  When you borrowed it

  Whom you borrowed it from

  What you did with it

  And explain how this happened


  I'd like to talk about when I had to borrow a printer from my cousin. It really saved me a big deal! If I had known how convenient it would be, I definitely would have asked earlier.(早知道它会带给我那 么多方便,我会早点跑去借.). So, I signed up for an online course in Western History last year where I received a long reading list from the teachers. Many of the books required were written in English, and not available in bookstores in China. Even the ones I could find on Amazon, I couldn't afford. The prices were too out of my league.(价格真的超出了我的承受范围) For some reason, English books are ridiculously expensive in China. So, I downloaded the E-books, but after reading on a screen for a few days, my eyes were burning!(我下载了电子版本的,但是看了几天后感觉眼睛要 烧坏了) Finally, my cousin offered her out-of-date printer, although, it was definitely still usable. I gladly took it home! Thanks to the printer, I printed out all five English books. I have to admit though that it was pretty wasteful with ink. But anyway, it got the job done! You know, if I had bought those books, it would seriously have cost me a fortune!(如果去买的话真的会是一大笔钱的!) I really appreciated my cousin's help, and next time she's in need, I'll definitely see what I can do to help.



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