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  Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time


  Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time You should say:

  What it is

  When you first played it

  Who you played it with

  How you learned to play the sports

  And explain how you felt about it

  我第一次打羽毛球是有一天中学放学回家,爸爸神神秘秘地从背后拿出两个羽毛球拍和几个羽毛球,说 今天教我打羽毛球,我当时非常开心(excited),因为在此之前已经求爸爸教我好多次了。打完以后出了 一身汗,感觉运动完后,有一种放松的感觉,暂时放下了学业的压力。

  The first time I played badminton was when I was in middle school. One day after school, no sooner had I got home than my father showed me a pair of badminton rackets and several balls.(我已到家爸爸就拿出了一副球拍和几颗球) He was going to teach me to play badminton that day. I was very happy because I had begged him so many times before. After dinner, we went to a park near the house and found an open space for playing. To begin with, dad set up(建立) a badminton net in the middle of the space, making it like a real badminton court. Then dad asked me to follow him to warm up (热身). After that, dad started to teach me. He told me how to hold the racket and how to serve. To be honest(老实说), at that time I was not very good at controlling the racket or serving correctly. Upset and exhausted, I wanted to go home and give up. Noticing my dejectedness(沮丧的), dad came to my side and tried to comfort me: "it's okay for a first try and you will play better and better if you keep practicing more often." This really made sense (起作用) and inspired me. Dad tried to throw me the ball so as to make it easier for me to serve. I kept practicing until I was totally sweaty. After that, I was relaxed. Playing badminton temporarily released myself from the pressure of studying, even though my legs were still aching the next day!



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