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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a time you enjoyed your free time


  Describe a time you enjoyed your free time You should say:

  When it was

  Where you were

  What you did

  And explain how you felt about it

  上周末我在家无聊的时候,突然看到了一本关于烘焙的书,里面讲了如何做蛋糕。我一下子来了兴趣, 打算做一个草莓蛋糕。 我根据书上的指示做,到最后,我做成了一个非常精致的蛋糕。 这可能是我在空 余时间内做过最有成就感的事情了!

  I often have a day or two off (一两天休息时间) every week. Usually I use this time to relax with activities such as reading books, listening to music and so on. Last weekend, when I was a little bit bored at home, it was a book about baking, which talked about how to make cakes, that (强调句, 正是...) attracted my attention. Suddenly I was interested and decided to make a strawberry cake. Step by step(逐步地), I measured the flour, baking soda (小苏打) and other ingredients (原料) according to the instructions in the book. Since this was the first time that I had made my own cake, I was extremely careful, following the instructions in the book exactly, afraid of doing something improperly (不合适地). Although at first, I made a mistake in the proportion of eggs to flour, luckily, I noticed the problem before it was too late. So, the process, in general, went quite smoothly. In the end, a very delicate strawberry cake was produced! The little dessert was covered with thick cream, and on the top was half a strawberry, which was as red as a ruby (像红宝石一样 红), and the edges of the cake were decorated with colored buttercream. I took a bite and found it was very soft. I couldn't wait to finish the whole thing. Honestly speaking, this little cake really added some sweetness to my boring day(无聊时增加一点甜美, Sugar歌词). Well,this is probably the most skillful thing I have ever done in my spare time. Next time I have a break, I will make more desserts following the instructions in this book.



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