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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an occasion that someone don't tell you the complete truth


  Describe an occasion that someone don't tell you the complete truth You should say:

  When it happened

  What the lie was

  Who cheated you

  Who you were with

  What the situation was

  And explain why the person didn't tell you the whole truth

  去年暑假的时候,我一个人在外地实习,常常到晚上10点还在加班,因此很少跟家里人联系。有一次跟 家里打电话的时候,我问起外婆的身体状况,她说一切都好。直到实习结束回到家中,我才知道外婆得了 急性肺炎住院了一段时间。但由于她不想让我担心,所以没有告诉我。

  Well, speaking of this topic, I recall a time when my grandma told a white lie(善意的谎言) to me. Last summer vacation, I took up an internship out of my town. The job asked for most of my time(工作很忙) so I seldom contacted my family. Once I made a phone call to my grandma and asked about her health condition, she faltered(支支吾吾) at first but told me everything was fine with a certain tone(确定的口气). With a little concern at that time, I didn't ask more due to the heavy workload. Neither did I contact her in the following month. However, not until I finished my internship and went back home did I get to know that grandma was hospitalized(住院) for a period of time due to acute pneumonia(急性胃炎) during my absence. She didn't choose to tell me the truth since she was not willing to disturb my job and make me distracted(让我分心) and worry about her. I felt a sense of guilt about neglecting grandma's sickness and living up to her consideration(辜负了他的体谅). But on the other hand, I have grown up to be able to balance work and family(平衡工作与生活). Therefore, I hope my grandma can share her concerns with me in the future.



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