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  Describe a healthy lifestyle that you know


  Describe a healthy lifestyle that you know

  You should say:

  What it is

  What one would do living in this lifestyle

  How you know it

  And explain why it is healthy

  采用这种生活方式的人会养成早睡的习惯,不会熬夜,通常会在11点之前入睡。我是通过看书了解到的。 早睡能够让我们的身体得到更好的休息,从而让第二天精神更饱满,改善生物钟,减少生病的可能,有利 于健康。

  When it comes to a healthy lifestyle I know, I would like to talk about the lifestyle of going to bed early, which has proven to be beneficial to our health both mentally and physically(身心上地). As you would expect from its literal meaning, people living with this lifestyle are usually characterized by(有这样的特征) a personal tendency to go to bed early in the evening. For them, it is a norm that they go to bed no later than (不超过) eleven o'clock in the evening, and staying up late is rarely accepted. Normally, people having such a lifestyle also show stronger willingness to get up early in the morning, and take a nap at noon after lunch. I learned about this lifestyle from a book in the library, which introduces various methods to improve your health and quality of life. According to the book, going to bed early has a positive influence on people's health, mainly for two reasons. To begin with, going to bed earlier in the evening allows us to have more hours of rest and relaxation in sleep, and helps recover ourselves from tiredness and pressure during the day. Besides, as you might know, urban inhabitants (城市居民) are more prone to(倾向于) developing a disordered internal clock, which means their sleeping patterns are distorted and abnormal. Harmful to our health, such disordered internal clocks could be reversed and recovered, if we go to bed early.Therefore, such a lifestyle can reduce our possibility of developing illness, by which benefits our health.



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