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  1.When do children begin to have their own ideas?

  That really depends, I think. This is just like the question 'when do children begin to speak', or 'when do they start to walk'. Ego, or sense of self, could be a born ability, at least to some extent. But sometimes you'd wonder if new-born babies really have their own idea at all. I mean, if we look at this question in an adult's view, then children will have to learn how to speak before they can be recognized as having their own ideas. However, the inability of expressing their ideas doesn't equal with not having ones. So I tend to believe that this is a rather complicated question. 2.Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?

  Well this is simple. The society is developing with a, more than ever, astonishingly fast speed. The world changes so fast that if you simply turn off your internet connection for a few days, you'd feel like you're from Stone Age. And we are actually talking about two different generations here, so I don't really feel there is anything surprising when children disagree with their parents or vice versa. Two parties just have completely different source of information, and of course, different capability of embracing new concepts.

  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?

  We do have a saying here that coins always have two sides, right? So the pros maybe better manner, more security for themselves, etc, etc. But I tend to believe that rules for children should be like laws – you should only limit them where absolutely necessary, or else. You see, too many restrictions will destroy children's creativity, which is very harmful to their development, if not the most precious perk of being a child.

  4. Is there someone with good ideas that has changed people's lives?

  Only too many ha-ha! I can easily name quite a few of them, the lot of which are called 'inventors'. For an instance, Thomas Edison, who invented the modern bulb, which made evenings and nights much more adorable. Or like Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple Inc, without whom we'd all be still using ugly keyboard phones now. And another nominee could be Stan Lee. But for his 'excelsior', we wouldn't have any of the Avengers. Man, I don't wanna live in a world like that, ha-ha!



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