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  1. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

  Swimming and rowing are two of the most popular water sports nowadays. A lot of cities have now been well-developed to the point where standard swimming pools are quite common, so swimming becomes a pretty accessible and low-cost water sports for many people. In addition, many people see swimming as a necessary skill and a way to relax with friends in a scorching summer, so it is very popular. Rowing is quite popular at tourist attractions, where people can get thrilled and excited as they are rowing a boat in a rapid river.

  2. Why should we develop water sport?

  Generally speaking, I think water sport keeps us healthy in its unique ways and develops skill sets that can benefit us forever. Take swimming for example. Swimming on a regular basis helps us maintain a healthy weight and a healthy heart. Moreover, swimming enables us to build endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, which can help us lead a much more productive life.

  3. Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

  I believe that learning how to swim is necessary for everyone. To start with, Swimming is a life- saving skill set that come in handy when dangerous situations in water occur. We can never tell whether or not we might ever stumble into life-threatening situations, so we'd better preemptively prepare for them. Another reason is that swimming can keep us healthy in its unique ways.

  Learning how to swim can give us an alternative sport to play in order to stay healthy. 4.What's the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

  Compared with indoor sports, outdoor sports take place in an open area, which means that people have relatively more space to do what they want. Plus, outdoor sports allow us to breathe in much more fresh air, so they are probably better for our state of health. However, the major disadvantage of outdoor sports is that they subject to weather conditions. If it is raining outside, it might be inconvenient for us to continue doing outdoor sports, whereas indoor sports would not be affected at all under the same circumstances.



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