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  1. In what kinds of professions do people help others more?

  From my perspective, people are more likely to do others a favor in the field of education. On one hand, education is at our fingertips in daily life. Everyone owns learning experience in some profession more or less. Thus, people tend to have more topics to share whether in adult or youth education. On the other hand, in most cases, helping others to better learn something has nothing to do with self-profit since it is only related to self-development, which can raise the probability to give others a hand.

  2. Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?

  I don't think so. Nowadays helping others seems to assume more risks than it is needed in the past. Things happen that people with ulterior motives will make use of one's kindness to defraud money. And since those ways of defraudation are hardly identifiable, people have no alternative but to reduce the times of helping others. In other words, people choose to safeguard their rights rather than give others a hand.

  3. Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?

  From my point of view, parents should take the responsibility of teaching children to be warm- hearted. Parent education mode is the key factor that influences one's behaviors during the childhood, thus to some extent determining their character when they grow up. It is because children tend to trust their parents more, who are the closest persons to them. As a result, the best choice for parents to develop children the habits of helping others is to set themselves an example first.

  4. Why are some people willing to help others?

  Well, the answer differs. But I think mostly the reason is about spiritual pursuit. For some people, they pursue the sense of self-value by helping others. The feeling of being needed will release

  them from self-doubt. While for others, they have faith that those helps will pay off in the long run.

  To be more specific, they believe that being warmhearted within the reach will bring good luck, which might happen when they need a hand someday in the future.



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