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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1. What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?

  There are a great number of occupations, such as journalist, salesperson, and consultant. Those people need to communicate and share information with others from current affairs, the information of the product and the solution to the specific issue. However, the authenticity of the information is not highly guaranteed.

  2. What's the difference between giving information by phone and by email?

  There are various kinds of aspects, such as the time length of giving information, how formal the information is. I figure that people would like to share the formal information via email. For instance, when I asked some questions of visa application to the staff from Spain Embassy, she always asked me to write her email and promised to reply me in a short time.

  3. How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

  From my perspective, there are different ways to check, such as asking for someone's advice, looking through the news announced by the authorized organizations, and surfing the internet to collect information from various aspects. For me, the most effective one would be collecting information from varied aspects. For instance, when I read the international news, I find that the opinions varied from different news agencies. I always read the news published by the both foreign and Chinese media in order to get the objective view.

  4. Do people trust the information online?

  It depends. I reckon that people would believe the information which is published by the authorized organization on the internet, while the information shared by the social media users is not trusted by others. Take Wechat as an example, although people could share news and read them on the Wechat moment now, the majority of people would subscribe Wechat public accounts like China's Daily, Xin hua News to read news, simply because the information is scrutinized before being published.



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