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  1. What are the pros and cons of taking professional cameras when travelling?

  First, the advantage of taking professional cameras during the trip is that it helps to better capture the memorable moments in the journey since it has a wider range of aperture and shutter speed.

  While the disadvantage is also obvious: since it is not portable enough, one has to bear load if taking professional cameras. Worse still, it is more like to lose it by mistake when traveling.

  2. Why do people like to take photos when travelling?

  Because photos will mark their presence in this city, as well as recall the memory of the trip in mind later in the future. Since the feeling and experience during the trip cannot be saved and faded overtime, people transferred them into photos as a souvenir and symbols of this memory. At the same time, photos are more visual than stories when people showing off their journey to friends.

  3. What souvenirs would people buy from tourist attractions?

  Normally those portable and practicable items with landmarks or symbol of this tourist attraction are good options. Mugs, fridge magnets and key rings are popular as souvenirs. On the other hand, people will also more likely to bring some local snacks back to share with friends and relatives. As for me, I have developed a habit of sending a postcard with words and feelings written on it from the place I visit to my hometown every time I travel.

  4. Is it good that the locals sell things to tourists?

  Well, there are always two sides. The advantage is that local people get the chance to interact more with the tourists and the travelers are able to have a detailed idea of the spots. What's more, selling products to tourists enables the locals to earn their lives as well as develop the travel industry of the state. However, this can also raise price hike and result in vicious circle in the end.



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