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  1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit?

  I believe that there are various kinds of tourist attractions such as the natural scenic spots, the historical sites and even the modern buildings. I think that generally people nowadays prefer to visit natural sites. Since most of the people work in the metropolis, and they are trapped in the concrete jungle. Paying a visit to some scenic spots would allow them to inhale fresh air and let their hair down.

  2. Why do many people like to travel abroad?

  I figure there are various kinds of reasons, such as broadening their outlooks, escaping the reality of their home countries and even keeping up with Joneses. Broadening their viewpoints would be the main reason. People could experience foreign culture and appreciate exotic buildings when they pay a visit to foreign countries. For example, foreigners would have better understanding of Chinese Kung Fu culture, if they travel in China.

  3. What do people usually do during long holidays?

  Well, it depends on different people, I think. For those who had visited various places, they may prefer to laze in the sun, enjoy a cup of jade and simply go for a walk to kill time. While for those who haven't payed visits to different places may love to visit as more tourists attractions as they like. Hence, they would like to visit other cities or countries during long vacations.

  4. Do you think there will be more ecotourism in the future?

  I believe so, I reckon sustainable tourism would become more and more common. As you may know that more and more people are paying close attention to the environmental issues. For those care about environment are likely to take part in green tourism. Besides, green travelling is beneficial to people's health like strengthen one's bone, which is appealing to people.



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