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  1. Who should people spend more time with? Families or friends?

  I suppose people are expected to spend more time with their family members. Especially, their parents. Since generally, family members looked after us when we were young. Now, when we have grown up, we should accompany them like what they did when we were kids. For example, when my appointment with my family members overlaps the one with my crowds, I would go to the family party. You know, blood is thicker than water.

  2. What's the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?

  Well, there are different aspects, such as the place staying with, how we behave and even the time length of staying together. I think the difference of behaviour is most significant. For instance, when I have dinner with my families, I need to take table manners into account. I will give away the tissue and offer them tea during the meal. While when I am with my friend, I generally act at will.

  3. Do you prefer being with a large group of people or with a few friends?

  For my case, I tend to be with a small number of friends, since I am not a people person and I feel kind of awkward when I am with many people. Besides, It would be easier for me to catch up with a few friends and strengthen mutual understanding if I am just with a few friends.

  4. Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?

  I think so, especially improve the relationship with friends and relatives who live far away from us, since people can have video talks or send voice messages to each other. For instance, I have a congenial friend who is currently studying in Australia. It would be difficult for us to socialize if we just write letters to each other. However, with the development of social media like WeChat and Facebook, we can talk whenever and wherever we like.



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