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  What do children often do in a birthday party?

  Well, personally, I am not quite sure about that because I didn't go to parties often when I was young, but I think it's quite spontaneous, like some of them who go to parties may feel really good about the atmosphere, so they are likely to dance or sing songs together and it's definitely a great way to have fun. And as for others, the purpose for going to parties is actually eating, so they will probably get their stomach full by eating different kinds of snacks, you know, ice creams, chocolate, desserts and french fried maybe.

  What do adults do at parties?

  Well, personally, I am not quite sure about that because I don't go to parties often, but I think it's quite spontaneous, like some of them who go to parties may feel really good about the atmosphere, so they are likely to dance or sing songs together and it's definitely a great way to loosen up. And as for others, the purpose for going to parties is actually making friends, so they will probably get acquainted with new people by having a drink together and having some nice chat.

  Do Chinese people like to hold parties?

  Well, actually it's really hard to say because I think it's a personal thing, for example, people around me love holding a party when the exams end, you know, it's a great way to make friends and relax. I mean, most of the party holders are young people, so they are more likely to get acquainted with new friends by attending different kinds of parties because there is no generation gap between them , and as for old people, the way to leisure is usually going to the park and attending social gathering, so I don't think they enjoy holding a party.

  Should parents spend a lot of money on their children's birthday parties?

  Well, personally, I think holding parties for children is necessary because it brings happiness and sweet memories to them. But I don't consider a money-consuming party is a cool thing. You know,spending too much money for children's birthday parties would somehow get their children spoiled, because you are conveying a wrong message that children would get all the best things on their birthdays. Instead, a well-organized, reasonable-budget party will ease parents financial burden and leave children good memories at the same time.

  Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?

  Well, actually it's really hard to say because I think it's a personal thing, for example, for young people, most of them are open-minded and easygoing and most of the party holders are young people, so they are more likely to get acquainted with new friends by attending different kinds of parties because there is no generation gap between them , and as for old people, the most common way to make friends is going to the park and attending social gathering, so I don't think they could make more friends at the parties.



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