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  What does it take to become successful?

  In my point of view, to become successful takes hard work and dedication. One has to establish firm goals at the beginning and then exerted oneself (努力,竭力) in the process. The more efforts one puts in, the luckier one will be. Besides, one should advance against hardship when confronted with difficulties. Only by doing so can one obtain his or her success.(部分倒装:只有这样做,一个人 才能获得成功).

  Do you think a university degree would guarantee one's success in career?

  Yes, I do. The university education will shape one's ability of learning, communication and even social interaction. Having gained a university degree represents the graduate has been qualified in all of the requirements the university has set up. Those capacities cultivated in the campus will help improve one's life and career to some extent, thus it will be much easier for one to realize success after obtaining a university degree.

  What are the reasons for failure?

  In my opinion, reasons for failures can be mainly traced within oneself. For example, one changes his or her goals all the time without firm objectives, he or she hasn't strained every nerve(竭尽全力) to edge towards the finish line of success, and one's current ability can't support one's ambitious goals.

  What kinds of people would be considered successful in the society?

  In the current society which is dominated by consumer culture, the amount of money one has accumulated has been regarded as the most important criteria to testify whether one is successful or not. Therefore, those people who are ranked on the Forbes from all walks of life(各行各业) would be considered as typical examples of successful figures. For example, Bill Gates and Zuckerberg, both of them can be considered as prominent and successful people of our society.



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